In 2015 the Netherlands Society for Grassland and Fodder crops organised the 18th EGF-Symposium entitled “Grassland and forages in high output dairy farming systems that took place June 13-15, 2015 in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
On this part of the website you will find an overview of the symposium, workshops, presentations as well as picture galleries.
Jeroen Nolles (General Secretary)
Agnes van den Pol – van Dasselaar (Chair Scientific Committee)
Marcia Stienezen (Chair Organising Committee)
Synthesis EGF 2015 in the Netherlands 179.07 KB 7697 downloads
Bijeenkomst: EGF2015 Auteur: Johannes Isselstein ISBN: 978-9090-289-61-8 Jaar van...Letter of thanks 135.23 KB 7110 downloads
Bijeenkomst: EGF2015 Auteur: Dr Lars Nesheim, Dr Willy Kessler ISBN: 978-9090-289-61-8 Jaar...EGF2015 Proceedings 12.12 MB 6837 downloads
Bijeenkomst: EGF2015 Auteur: Edited by A. van den Pol-van Dasselaar, H.F.M. Aarts,...Presentations | Picture galleries
With questions about this Symposium please contact us via the NVWV website